Cyber security threats can manifest in a variety of ways involving human and non-human intervention. A typical IT security audit involves an in-depth examination of servers, network components, the physical environment, operational procedures and an intrusion test. Our auditing toolkit allows us to carry out live plugged in testing of environments that are leveraging PaaS and IaaS cloud computing services, regardless of whether they are operating as hybrid or full cloud models.
Carried out on the basis of a fixed-price quote the audit exercise involves two days discovery on site. A full report is then provided detailing vulnerabilities observed and offering recommendations for remediation.
The Kaon Security audit process is a hands-on technical test of how your systems operate and how they are being managed. The level of protection is assessed against the amount of risk to the organisation. Policies, procedures, overall management and other mitigating factors are also scrutinised to establish compliance to corporate mandates.
A comprehensive report is produced for the client highlighting the major areas of concern. IT Security risk management is becoming a big issue for large organisations and the government sector. Auditing completes the compliance loop by highlighting the areas where you are most at risk.
In some cases you may already have IT policies that mitigate the risks, but are not complying with them, and in other cases you may need to develop policy and procedures to ensure that gaps are closed for the future. Technical security audits can be customised to address specific issues should a client suspect they may exist within their IT environment.
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